One winters night

Going back in August of this year, I happened to go down to Frankston BMX track on a Friday night to drop off a few parts and inadvertently ended up racing, the following is the story of the evening, but included in the pictures below are the Facebook comments which had me in tears where I read them, I have taken screenshots of the comments and blurred out the names, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

The spoils of Victory.

Popped down to Frankston tonight to pick up a bike and drop off some pedals, I had zero intentions of racing. With only Scott and Don entered into retro, they looked at me with a forlorn look on their faces, saying, “mate we need 3 for a gate”. I tried to explain that I had no race gear with me, just my bike in the back of the car and my helmet and gloves that were still in there from gates on Wednesday night.

I let out a sigh, rang my wife and told her I will be home in a couple of hours and I fronted up to the score shed and coughed up my $10.

One gate to warmup and I was ready to go, Scotty wheeled out his Cobra out of retirement, Don takes his race plate off of his Hutch and puts it on his custom made Team Hotfoot pit bike and I on my Free Agent wearing jeans and a zip up jacket and no protective gear. I tuck my jeans into my sock and we raced hard for 3 motos, which seemed to be 3 minutes apart. Don had to pull himself up off the ground for the 3rd moto, he was sucking in the big ones and looked somewhat pale, I thought he was going to throw up in his helmet.

Riders are called up for the final and someone comes up with the bright idea of a handicap race, I hate handicap races, because I race hard the whole way and don’t get a chance to turn off and roll through the last straight, knowing that I will be feeling the pain at the end I take off slowly and build up the speed as I enter the rhythm section I see the guys are racing behind me, I pump through at the fastest speed I had for the night, pushed through the 2nd berm entering the dreaded Frankston 3rd straight.

By this time I am going so fast that I toyed with the idea of taking the pro section, but I didn’t want to show off, so entered the 3rd straight as normal, I think I got an inch and half of air I was going so fast into the first jump, I hung on for dear life, bent my knees and waited for the landing, staying upright I pump down the back of the jump and put in a pedal before the next jump, straight through that and the next, entering the 3rd berm I could hear the commentator say the riders were coming, I gave one last dig and pumped through the final straight.

Hitting the scoring shed in first place I am given an unexpected trophy for my superhuman efforts of winning the final, never mind that it says 2015 Helltrack and they were just getting rid of some old trophies, I’ll take it, it’s going straight to the pool room.

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